Non-destructive testing VT&PT Level 2

We offer our customers the following procedures on site or in our workshop:

  • VT - Visual inspection Level 2
  • PT - Dye Penetrant Testing Level 2

Visual Testing Level 2

The visual inspection (VT - Visual Testing) is one of the most important inspection methods of NDT (Non-Destructive Testing). The aim of this method is to detect and record visible and surface-related quality features of a product with the human eye or by using aids such as a magnifying glass, microscope or endoscope. With visual inspection, additional costs caused by repairs and delays can be avoided.

Dye penetrant inspection Level 2

Dye penetrant testing (PT) is a surface inspection method. It is used to find and document material separations that are open to the surface by means of penetrant testing. Defects immediately below the surface or defects where opening to the outside has been mechanically closed cannot be detected with penetrant testing. In principle, all materials can be tested except...

  • ...the materials are porous / spongy (e.g. unglazed ceramics)
  • ...the materials are attacked / altered by the test equipment (e.g. plastics).

In practice, indentation testing is mainly used for testing non-magnetizable materials. Materials which are magnetizable are tested expediently with a magnetic particle test.

Our customers benefit from dye penetrant testing in that it can be used almost anywhere. Another advantage is that this method does not require large equipment.


Zerstörungsfreie Prüfungen

Cracks in base material at water injection quench cooler

Zerstörungsfreie Prüfungen

Penetrant testing for pole bodies


Hatt Installations AG
Aarauerstrasse 112
CH-5200 Brugg AG



Phone 056 441 10 21
Fax 056 441 01 34

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